
Showing posts from August, 2020

ANYONG Santé Premium Silver Perch Essence

 ANYONG Santé Premium Silver Perch Essence   Silver Perch Essence? From the Chinese characters on the product, I recognised that the last 2 characters means fish essence. Ewww fish essence, must be yucky and fishy like those that I’ve tasted previously. I was quite skeptical to try this product so I read through the brochure first...    Made in Taiwan, ANYONG Santé Premium Silver Perch Essence uses the latest technology, CAS, from Japan to preserve freshness for its fish essence. And you may ask, what is CAS?    CAS stands for Cells Alive System, a technology that uses electromagnetic fields and mechanical vibrations to make the water clusters vibrate and prevent ice crystal formation that destroy food texture. Wow, this is new knowledge. This innovative technology helps food to retain its original flavour taste and texture!      In addition, ANYONG uses scientific extraction technology to extract the goodness of silver perch and convert them into small am