ANYONG Santé Premium Silver Perch Essence

 ANYONG Santé Premium Silver Perch Essence


Silver Perch Essence? From the Chinese characters on the product, I recognised that the last 2 characters means fish essence. Ewww fish essence, must be yucky and fishy like those that I’ve tasted previously. I was quite skeptical to try this product so I read through the brochure first... 


Made in Taiwan, ANYONG Santé Premium Silver Perch Essence uses the latest technology, CAS, from Japan to preserve freshness for its fish essence. And you may ask, what is CAS? 


CAS stands for Cells Alive System, a technology that uses electromagnetic fields and mechanical vibrations to make the water clusters vibrate and prevent ice crystal formation that destroy food texture. Wow, this is new knowledge. This innovative technology helps food to retain its original flavour taste and texture! 



In addition, ANYONG uses scientific extraction technology to extract the goodness of silver perch and convert them into small amino acid molecules for easy absorption. The end product is safe and contains comprehensive nutrients. With this information, I am already convinced and so ready to try! Are you?

Watch Video here

I’m happy that I gave this product a shot! The fish essence is not fishy at all and I love the taste. It tasted like a flavourful broth! I would strongly recommend everyone to try this product.



Redeem  your free  bag  of  ANYONG  Santé  Premium  Silver Perch Essence  sample at here

If you love it and would like to purchase, you can purchase it at an exclusive price here


If you are still not convinced, you should be, after reading the below product information.


• The  product  won  the  2018-2020  Gold  Award  of  Monde  Selection,  an  international  quality accreditation  organization  boasting more  than  50  years  of  history. 

• ANYONG  Santé  Premium  Silver  Perch  Essence  is  the  only  silver  perch  brand  in  Taiwan that  passed  the  high-standard  examination  of  international  experts  and  was  crowned with  the  gold  award! 

• ANYONG  Santé  Premium  Silver  Perch Essence  is  beneficial  for  our  body,  the  essence  contains nutrients  and  proteins  that  are  good  for  health. 

• Fish  essence  is  good  for  wound  healing  and  good  to  consume  especially  after  surgery. The  fish  essence  contains  small  amino  acid  molecules  that  help  to  recuperate  the  body. 

• Suitable  for  pregnant  women,  children  (2  years  old  and  above),  elderly,  recovering patients,  sports  lovers. 

• Can  be  consumed  directly  or  used  as  a  cooking  ingredient. 

• How  to  use: 

• Double-boiling:  Put  the  pouch  in  boiling  water  and  heat  it  for  3  minutes. 

• Steaming:  Cut  the  pouch  and  pour  the  essence  into  a  ceramic  container,  and  heat  it  in a  steamer. 

• Microwaving:  Cut  the  pouch  and  pour  the  essence  into  a  ceramic  container,  and  heat  it in  a  microwave. 

• Can  be  used  as  soup  broth  and  cooked  with  other  ingredients.



Sounds awesome isn’t it! Redeem your free samples on now, have a try and let me know how you like it! 


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